The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC
All accredited institutions shall submit the AQAR to the NAAC by the end of every academic year with emphasis on the following key results areas:
Name of the Institution: Year of Report: |
Part A: The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year. |
Planned |
Outcome Achieved |
Faculties are motivated to adopt different methods of teaching. This is being reviewed in staff meetings. Whoever practiced new methods shares in the staff meeting. |
Varies steps that are being taken would increase the results. We insist on regular attendance, monitoring the teaching and learning activities. |
As mentioned in earlier reports we have strong alumni network which helps in the training and placement activities. At the end of the course we prepare placement broacher and send it to various organizations for seeking placement. The term end ‘Block Placement’ training for one month period helps a lot in getting placement. |
Had conducted seminars during this period with the support of UGC and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. |
Taking place regularly. |
Every subject teacher is asked to suggest the external experts needed for each paper and requested them to organize according to the need. |
We have been preparing and updating subject experts every year to consult them and involve them in improving and updating the course content and in the internal evaluations. |
We have increased the class room facilities and furnitures. |
As we have informed in the earlier reports we have list of organizations where we place our students for field training. This list we update and utilize for field exposure every year. |
We use opportunities that arise in the society to expose our student to know the realities and if possible make them to contribute. |
We have purchased new books and created internet facility access to the student. |
The faculties are given opportunities to participate in the seminar and conferences. The students are also given opportunities to participate along with the faculties. |
Major and minor research projects are taken up with the support of the UGC and given responsibilities to faculties and student to get involved in it. Currently we have four research projects being conducted in the college. |
We have initiated quality circle among the student in the under graduate level courses collectively. We get views and suggestions from the student members. This we share with staff members during the meetings. |
Part B:
Organizing and conducting educational activities
Steps are being taken to start MBA courses in the next year and review MSc (IT) course.
Scanning new developments in each subjects and incorporating them into the syllabus regularly is being done. Discussion with the experts about the change in trends is being organized and trying to adopt them considering the capability of the student and the knowledge of the faculties.
The non-major subjects that we teach is inter- disciplinary in nature. We teach this paper with the help of the other discipline faculties and the field experts. This helps the students to get knowledge and skills related to allied subjects. We also provide opportunities to get trained in other disciplines after the class hours for example we provide them diploma courses in counselling and management subjects.
This year with the recommendation of the academic council we have introduced the reexamination in the failed subjects immediately after the result is over. Before this reexamination we give them special coaching for the period of one month in order to prepare them to write examination with confidence.
Through the coaching centre established in the college we conduct coaching classes for our final year students to appear in the NET/SET examinations and other competitive examinations for employments. We also utilize such opportunities available outside by referring them to those trainings.
Trainings to the new staffs are being organized regularly. We had organized such training through our senior staff and also by inviting experts from outside. We organize special sessions to provide insight on the day today teaching and learning issues.
a, Human Rights and Duties Vis a Vis the Practice of Professional Social Work, b, Changing Trends in Research Methods in Professional Social Work, supported by UGC, New Delhi. c, Regional level Training Programme on Social Defence for Social Work Professionals (3 days), supported by NISD, New Delhi. d, Training Programme on Counselling Skills for Street Educators, (5 days), supported by NISD, New Delhi.
Research proposal was sent to ICMR centre and received reply to rewrite the proposal. It is being done. 12.Research grants received from various agencies:
M.Phil. – 2
Prof.S. Murugesan. Dept. of Social Work, is holding the post of Hon. Secretary in National Institute of Personnel Management, Madurai chapter.
Teaching 13 staff :
Teaching Staff ratio : 1:10
In this year the student quality cell for the UG class level is organized and is being strengthened. In these meetings the student members had raised some doubts, clarifications and complaints about the teachers, teaching methods etc. These were taken to the staff meetings and discussed with the staffs, advised them for correction and improvements. Based on such discussions in the IQAC meetings it is suggested to evolve student monitoring of the class room teaching. For this the monitoring formats are being prepared which would be finalized and implemented in the coming academic year.
Approximately Rs 4000- 7000 per semester.
This is being done in the previous years itself. We have computerized the administration 9 years before. The pay bill, pension benefits, staff appointments, staff attendance, financial statements (fs) etc. the examinations, evaluation, mark statements are computerized.
New library building and office room are built, and spaces for new classes are created. New hostel for girl student is also going to be built. With the support of the old student and alumni association a building for auditorium is planned to construct.
We have incorporated computer training to all the students. The teaching faculties are also given exposure in computer handling. Internet access is provided to all the students and faculties.
Students are supported to get government scholership and bank loans for their studies. Apart from this the MSW students are provided with special assistance received from the UGC assistance.
We have strong Alumni Association for many years. We organize regular annual meeting on 2nd October every year. In this meeting we discuss about various job opportunities available for students and how they must get trained to suit those jobs. The present students studying are given opportunities to interact with the old students attending these meetings.
In the beginning of the academic year we conduct parent-teacher association meeting. We discuss about the role of parents in supporting the learning of their children. They also share their views and suggestions. Each heads of the departments organize meetings with the respective parents regarding their sons/daughter’s performance in the particular semester. During the handling the indifference and indiscipline among the students we invite the concern parents and cooperate with us in the process.
Student health problems are identified and recorded. They are given guidance according to their need. For health emergencies they are referred to the near by hospital. We also invite medical doctors to the college campus and organize health checkup.
Students are being given training and motivating them to participate in the various competitions conducted by the colleges and universities.
Mr. Rajendran, student of MSW has secured Ist rank in the college and IVth rank in the University.
AAA format helps student in monitoring their performance and progress.
Placement cell has organized three campus interview and successfully five students in employment. The company visited are: 1, Carborundum Universal, Chennai. 2, Loyal Textiles, Kovilpatty. 3, SFA Technical Creations, Sivakasi.
NIPM (National Institute of Personnel Management)
The Department of C.S&IT has organized IT VISION 2K10 on 24th September 2010. |
Part C: Detail plans of the institution for the next year.
S. Koodalingam
Name & Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC